Writing on software development.

I share articles on various programming topic. You can find more articles like these here: medium.com/@theoneamin.

Kafka: Handling Poison Pills

Kafka is a distributed event log and messages come and get processed in the order they get added. A poison pill is a message that our application is unable to process. This can lead to our consumer failing and if more messages are getting...

Resilience with Spring Retry

Most software relies on other services and systems to function. This introduces the inevitable possibility that failures might occur within your system that are not your fault. For such scenarios you would want to attempt whatever is failing...

Unit testing is awesome

Testing is often seen as a tedious and time-consuming task by many developers. However, in this article, I aim to change that perspective. I firmly believe that tests are a fundamental part of the development process, and not only do they bring...

Spring Batch Intro

In this article, we’ll take a look at an introduction to Spring Batch. Spring Batch is a framework designed to process large amounts of data or batches of data...